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mantra shared for useful thoughts

Mantra for a Child
This mantra may be recited for getting a son, or for childless couples, who want a child.
Devaki-sut Govinda Vasudeva Jagatpate
Dehi me tanayam Krishna Tvaamaham sharanam gataha
O Son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the Lord of the Universe
O Krishna! give me a son; I take refuge in you
Mantra for Marriage
This is a mantra for girls who want to get married. They should say this mantra every day
Kaatyaayani Mahaamaayey Mahaa YoginyaDheeshwaree
NandaGopasuta Devi Pati Mey Kuru Tey Namaha
O Katyaayani! MahaaMayey (Names of Ma the Mother Goddess) Supreme Lord of all great Yoginis, Make Shree Krishna, my husband Prostrations unto Thee.

Mantra to be chanted before you begin your studies:
Saraswati namastubhyam
Varde Kaamarupini
Vidyarambham karishyami
Siddhir bhavatu me sadaa
My humble prostrations unto Thee, O Goddess Saraswati,
You are the fulfiller of all my wishes, I start my studies, with the request that I achieve perfection in them.
Mantra for Health
Om! Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtee Vardhanam
Urva ruka meva Bandhanaat
Mrityor Muksheeya Ma amrutaat
Om! We worship Lord Shiva (The 3-Eyed One) who is full of fragrance and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, bestow salvation and (lead me) towards Eternity (Make me immortal) just as the ripe cucumber is severed (from the creeper) of its bondage.
Mantra For Prosperity
Aayur dehee Dhanam Dehee
Vidyaam dehee Maheshwari
Samastamakhilam dehee
dehee mey Parameshwari
Give me long life
Give me wealth,
Give me knowledge,
O Maheshwari (Mother Goddess)
O Parmeshwari,
Give me everything that I desire
This is a mantra of Maheshwari. Maheshwari is the consort of Maheshwara, another name for Siva. It is said that Siva always grants the boons of those that pray to him or his consort.
Mantra for a Peaceful Life
Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu,
Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu
Om Shanti, Shanti Shanteeh
May Health abound forever
May Peace abound forever
May complete abundance, abound forever
May auspiciousness abound forever
Om Peace Peace Peace!
Om kaaram bindu samyuktam nityam dhyaayanti yoginah
Kaamadam mokshadam chaiva Omkaaraaya namo namaha
The sages constantly meditate upon the sound of Om and its ‘Bindu´ (dot) We offer our obeisance to the Divine sound of Om repeatedly,
Which has the power to fulfill our desires and release us from bondage.
Krishnaaya Vaasudevaaya Haraye Paramaatmane
Pranatah Klesha naashaaya Govindaaya namo namaha
O Krishna! Son of Vaasudeva, You are the Supreme Lord, remover of miseries.
You destroy all evil, O Govinda!
I repeatedly bow to You!
Raamaaya Raamabhadraaya Raamachandraaya vedhase
Raghunaathaaya naathaaya Seetaaya pataye namah.
I bow to the Brilliant Rama, doer of good, Lord of the Raghus, the Beloved husband of Seeta.


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