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Everyone has the ability to sense energy

Being sensitive to energy is not that rare. We can usually feel other people’s vibe, but most of us do not know how to differentiate our vibe from other people’s vibe. This is because we have been conditioned to believe that the energy we sense is only our energy or the energy of the environment.
There is a small percentage of people who are very sensitive to energy. These people can easily pick up other people’s energy and emotions. If they are in an area that has a lot of negative energies, it can make them feel very uncomfortable and even slightly sick. People who are sensitive to energy often don’t like to be around big crowds because people’s vibe can make them nervous.
Sensing energy is not that hard. Some of us are natural at it and some of us have a hard time sensing it. If you are not the sensitive type, you can learn how to sense energy by doing the exercise below. This exercise can also help improve your natural energy sensing ability.
Please be aware that the energy sensing technique below is very basic. To strengthen your energy sensing ability, you will need to study advanced energy healing techniques and learn to activate

How to feel and sense energy
  1. Take a few deep breaths, relax and clear your mind, and try to sense the energies around you. You may feel a cold, hot or tingly sensation around your body, especially around your palms and fingertips.
  2. Move both of your hands in front of your chest with palms facing each other. Your palms should be about a foot away from each other and about a foot away from your chest.
  3. Imagine that your are holding a balloon, then try to squish the balloon in a fluid-like motion. As you do this, pay attention to the changes in the atmosphere. Your hands may feel cold, hot or tingly. You may also feel a magnetic force pushing and pulling your hands.
  4. Once you are comfortable with this exercise, try sensing energy in different areas, such as the basement, attic or outside. By switching areas, you may notice a change in the vibration of the energy. Certain areas may make your hands feel colder, hotter or tinglier. You may even notice the change in the density of the energy.
When I do this exercise, I usually sense a lot of tingly sensation around my finger tips. My hands also feel warm and I can sense a magnetic type of energy. This magnetic energy tends to push and pull my hands when they are moving slow or standing still.

Are you having a hard time sensing and feel - Read more will continue


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