10 basic points of good discipline for child guidance Children are not born knowing the rules of life. They learn to be good men and women by first learning to be good boys and girls. Expect mistakes, tantrums, pouting, and crying. How you respond is an important part of how they learn. 1.Good discipline is not punishment Discipline and punishment are different. Punishment is supposed to make a person choose not to repeat bad behaviour. By using punishment, especially physical punishment, children learn how the powerful make rules and the weaker must go along with it, or else. They might learn to avoid being honest about mistakes or to divert the blame on to others (“it’s not my fault”). Because young children do not choose to misbehave, they can feel like failures if punished over and over. 2. Good discipline teachesPunishment teaches what is wrong, but does not help a child learn what is right. The goal of discipline is to teach. It teaches self-control and socially acceptable behav...