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Self Confidence what is told in detail

Self Confidence
Self-confidence is a character trait that is essential for success in any career. It can also be argued that a life experience without self-confidence leads a person to miss out on valuable opportunities. Think about the people in your life who exhibit quality self-confidence. These people are generally fun to be around, possess many friends and are often successful in their choice of career.
It is a mistake of many people to believe that you either have self-confidence or you don’t. Just like any skill that can be learned and improved upon, your sense of self-confidence can also be improved. Employers are interested in self-confident individuals as they are more apt to produce high-quality work under pressure. A self-confident person believes in his or her strengths and abilities and does not become overwhelmed by low self-esteem and doubt. People who exhibit self-confidence do not seek the approval of others but are ambitious and seek challenges.
Self-confidence articles in this section assist an individual in improving upon self-confidence, avoiding overconfidence, the connection between self-confidence and career growth or decision-making. A self-confident person is a natural leader and strongly believes in his or her principles but is open to other points of view.
How To Boost Your Self-Confidence
Anyone’s one failure in whatever one does can be attributed to the lack of self-confidence. A person who is confident enough about himself can conquer anything, achieve what he wants to within reason, and gain success in life.
Hence, it is very essential for everyone to once in awhile do a self-assessment and boost self-confidence in order to succeed in life. There are many ways of boosting self-confidence but the success or failure of these ways depends primarily on an individual’s motivation and determination to improve one’s life and status in life. The steps towards realizing a level of self-confidence enough for an individual to achieve his dreams and aspirations start from a self actualization of one’s weaknesses vis-à-vis the personal strengths. Once an individual decides to take that leap of faith, there should be no turning back, and the individual must be stead fast with his decision and start doing pertinent actions towards boosting self-confidence.

The first thing to do when one wants to boost self-confidence is to determine one’s goals and aspirations in life. This has to be specific enough and must be categorized into degree of achievement. Once the life goals and objective is determined, an individual must then do a self-assessment. Find out for himself his true personality or who he really is. No one succeeds in boosting his self-confidence if he doesn’t know himself. Determine one’s strengths and weaknesses and identify ways and means of overcoming weaknesses and further strengthening one’s strengths.

To help an individual in achieving his goal of boosting his self-confidence, one must seek out the help of friends and relatives, who can motivate, inspire, encourage and perhaps even reward him for his self-confidence boosting objectives. This is a very crucial ingredient of any plans on boosting one’s self confidence. No one can successfully measure one’s success in any things that he does but the people that are closer to him. Friends and relatives would be the most objective parameter for measuring one’s success or failure in any feat. And that is very applicable when one is boosting his self-confidence.

After seeking out the help of friends and relatives, an individual might find himself failing in his objectives and goals and might even think of giving up. But then, in moments of failure, the best thing to do is not to give up but to rest for awhile, back track a little and re-assess everything. Find faults and errors in what he has done, and then consider doing corrective actions to re-direct his path towards his goals.

In some instances of failure, it might be necessary for an individual to refocus himself or reducing his goals. For all he knows, he might have over assessed himself and included goals which are beyond his ability. An individual must focus first on mastering one aspects of his self-worth before doing other things. Nobody is a master of everything.

The key to achieving self-confidence lies on an individual’s capability to undermine his strengths and makes it inherent to him. Or when everything else fails, the best way to project self-confidence and later on achieving it, is to project that one is self-confident. If an individual has no knowledge of something, he should avoid projecting that he really doesn’t know anything about it. On the contrary, project that he knows about that thing and then start learning about it in the process. Sooner or later, he would not have to fake having the confidence on knowing something because in actuality, he really does know something about it. And the moment he knows something, he gains self-confidence about it.
In summary, boosting one’s self-confidence being the most common goal of every individual might be hard to accomplish or the ways to achieve it somewhat a little vague. But in reality, achieving self-confidence is actually an easy thing to do. And it should start from an individual’s desire and determination to improve on himself, to conquer his weaknesses and make those weaknesses among his strengths. The lack of self-confidence is a personal problem and its solution should start from the self. Actualize one’s self and he is certainly on his way towards having self-confidence.

The Essence Of Self Confidence
Have you ever observed how people pay more attention to what things look like than what purpose these things actually exist for? For example, there are two bars of the same chocolate in two different boxes.
The other is covered in beautiful and shiny paper. The latter is placed in a plain box on top a hidden shelf. Obviously, you know which one will get picked by people who pass by, even though the contents are the same.

Believe it or not, this is the very same case when it comes to people and confidence. In fact, it happens to people every second of the day, every day of the year. Whenever people mingle, there’s just no room for the absence of assessment. Although there are a few people on earth who do not mind what their peers think of, chances are there are billions more who actually care and get terribly affected by negative remarks. The sad part is that most of these people are often misjudged due to how they look, act and other shallow standards. From never looking anyone straight in the eye, excessively fumbling and even murmuring instead if talking… all these barriers to personal growth are actually manifestations of low self esteem.

You see, having self confidence is the trigger which pulls off every positive aspect of life. It is the overall aura you exude for people to notice you. It is the element which lessens other people‘s doubts about what you are actually worth. This is the element you often see in models when they strut on the catwalk. This is the silencing power you sense in CEO’s. It is the soundless air you feel whenever you meet someone which leaves you impressed for no apparent reason at all.

High levels of self confidence give anyone, including you, more potential to do what has to be done in order to achieve the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. Professionally, you can use confidence to take your career a notch higher than where it usually is. When you look confident, people will stop looking at you as a fumbling fool. They will get interested in what you are capable of doing. As such, you can seize every opportunity to exert extra effort so that you can show how good you are at your field. Your confidence will assure you of an audience. Your peers and bosses will watch in anticipation as they try to see what you can accomplish. After that, appreciation will follow and you are almost set for the next big step.

The downside is that professional confidence comes with a huge responsibility. This is making sure that you walk the talk. Responsibility is the line which separates haughtiness and confidence. Always make sure that you have the latter in order to progress. Without real talent or determination to learn, your so called confidence won’t get you as far as it should.

Even your personal life is highly affected by confidence. When it comes to relationships, confident people always seem to establish steady emotional bonds with ease and resilience. Confidence is often equated to honesty. It’s a character only people who have nothing to hide can truly possess. As you might have observed, people love the absence of pretense. When you’re confident, you are actually giving yourself a chance to be what it is no matter how lame it may be according to the world. With this kind of attitude, it will be just a matter of time before you meet people who share common passions with you. By utilizing confidence you can establish these similarities without awkwardness, thus strengthening your personal ties with people.
Most importantly, a steady sense of self confidence can make you feel better as an individual. With it, you can love yourself for who it really is. You can sleep at night knowing the positive and negative aspects of your life, thus giving you a chance to make things right. Without insecurity, you can look every problem straight in the eye. You will never have to flee from belittling remarks and violent reactions simply because you believe and know what you are truly capable of. This is the power only pure non amalgamated confidence can make you possess.

Avoiding Overconfidence
Confidence is defined as the faith or trust that people has towards other people and thing. This confidence that a person might have in another person is normally beyond his control. To cite an example, you might be confident in the city police or authorities to protect you, or might exercise confidence that your favorite team will be the winner of an important game.
Faith is synonymous with confidence in these cases
If you are self-confident, then you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Self-confidence is simply your faith and trust in your own capabilities. People with ample self-confidence normally have little or no fear of what lies ahead. If you are self-confident, you will stand up and fight for what you believe in, and will have the face to confront challenges. For instance, a self-confident person will easily handle doing a presentation to a group of listeners. One who has self-confidence is not reckless, brash, or loud about his confidence.

On the other hand, overconfidence is possessing confidence in an unmerited way; such person believes that he is capable of doing something when he is actually not. Where there is no presence of anxiety in a person, he will have the tendency to become reckless because to overconfidence. Life, and everything about it, to an overconfident person appears to be unbelievably rosy and easy. If you are overconfident, you do not see the necessity of considering every possible result of your action. You seem sure what the outcome of you actions will be.
Develop a more natural confidence
Many of us have the tendency to pretend that we are confident when we are not, to the point when we appear to be unpleasantly overconfident to others. Remember the saying “Feign some confidence until you make it, but not to the extent of irritating or negatively affecting others” or something to this effect? The key is not to overdo your confidence. You should know it yourself if you are already exercising overconfidence. And you definitely know you are being overconfident by the people’s reaction when you deal with them.

You must understand that coming across as an overconfident person will most likely have a negative effect on the people that you are interacting with. Instead of winning the trust and confident of other people, you will just turn them off and keep them away, with them possibly shunning from you for good.

Mellow down with your confidence by accepting or recognizing that you have made a mistake or done something that is inept in your course of interaction with people; surely you will win their hearts and trust if you are more true to yourself, try to accept your own errors and even laugh at them and not take yourself and your confidence very seriously. People can sense if your confidence is fake or you are just overdoing it. It is better if you exude enough confidence that your people, and you yourself, can handle.

It should be remember that by being overconfident, you definitely would come across as someone who is egotistical or self-absorbed. Hence, this will make you look unpleasantly unbecoming to other. Develop the confidence that is more natural and sincere. Possessing such kind of confidence will make you as a person more likable, approachable and most importantly, believable.
Trusting oneself leads to true confidence
Trust yourself and your own abilities. Most people who have doubt about themselves and their capabilities either lack the necessary confidence or exercise extreme confidence in order to make up for the lack of trust in themselves.
People can sense if you doubt yourself and just struggling to try to influence them. No amount of overconfidence can hide or erase this perception of other people about you.

Develop your trust in yourself. It is best to trust your abilities in making smart and simple decisions and formulating great ideas. Avoid doubting and questioning the decision that you make. Trusting yourself makes you feel an empowered and self-sufficient person. True self-trust leads to confidence without overdoing it. Unlike the overconfident person that you were when you are reckless in your actions and decision just to exude it, you are now more able to face a person or situation with just the right amount of confidence.

Relation Between Subconscious Mind And Self-Confidence
We use our conscious mind to process the things we see and feel. It is with our conscious mind that we make our decisions. In turn the conscious mind also reacts to the outcome of such decision. Our conscious mind is only part of how we think and decide.
A greater part of our thinking process is affected by our subconscious mind. This is proven in many studies.

Our subconscious mind takes past life experiences, rooting back as far as childhood, to respond to a present situation. It doesn’t have the ability to cognitively distinguish or process thoughts, but it can bring about some sort of memory, whether good or bad, which may affect our judgement of a situation.

In a manner of speaking, the subconscious mind, while less cognitive, is much more powerful than the conscious mind. It actually takes up 80% of our psychology. And it can lead to precarious circumstances.
When we say: “I would like to have a cup of coffee” --- that is our conscious mind thinking and deciding our moves for us. When we say: “I’m not sure if it’s good for me to have a cup of coffee, when I need to be asleep in thirty minutes” --- that is our conscious mind debating with our subconscious.

In this scenario, the outcome could be less than ideal that we may end up suffering from our decisions. We could actually be staying up all night because we did drink the coffee. And this is just a simple situation. Some bigger decisions may have a more stringent outcome. And it can put us in a place where we may have to regret later.

The subconscious mind is rooted in childhood. It is common for many people to have experiences in childhood which have been rather bad. Things like an abuse, a painful divorce, a traumatic accident, which we may have consciously forgotten as we grow older, all seep through our subconscious and in effect, lead to some ill-feeling that will render in our decisions later on as an adult. This is what people term as habitual thinking, which is about making decisions based on established norms or thoughts which are not necessarily sound, but is already mapped out in our psyche.

Habitual thinking can stop us from making good decisions, often leading to consequences we do not welcome; consequences that may lead to our own pain, suffering and regret. In a grander scope, habitual thinking can bring about feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, insecurity lowered morale and self-confidence. In a way, it can imprison us from moving forward. Thus, even if we want to make things better for ourselves, we are left powerless because of it.

We find less confidence in talking to prospective clients, in business for example, because at the back of our minds we may have already formed that idea that we cannot effectively close a deal. We could be less enthusiastic at the prospect of meeting people or speaking in a crowd, maybe because at one point in our young life, we were witness to a situation that has traumatized us from doing so and this has been planted in our subconscious. We may handle failure differently because of these situations.
Fortunately, there is a way to overcome this.
Many people have struggled with feelings of inadequacy and confidence problems before. But they have successfully found a way to eliminate these problems, removing the negative habits and going against what is rooted in their minds. The following have been adapted by people in order to overcome psychological problems that may affect their feelings of themselves:
• Some go to therapy and counselling. They help by employing tried and tested methods that would help eliminate these feelings through a series of sessions with a qualified psychologist or counsellor.
• Some read self-help books or media or attend seminars touching on the subject.
• Some discuss the problem with friends and loved-ones who can provide sympathetic guidance.
• Some attend self-help programs, or self-improvement programs that boost self-confidence or help channel negative energy into positive ones.
Motivation plays a big role in overcoming the effects of our subconscious to our whole attitude. It is our motivation, that which comes from within us, which can address and overcome these feelings of rejection or failure.

How Self Confidence Helps in Career Growth
The key for people today is on how to build on set careers. Discovering their inner talents and being able to build on their self-confidence is a step in setting careers on the right track. Without self-confidence, a person will always be walking on a thin line, not having the ability to make his own judgment with regards to personal decisions, more so with eventual business decisions he will be tasked to undertake later on.
Belief in ones self will make a difference. Having a set of own values and being able to analyze and make the necessary points for consideration are key aspects on career building. For one, a person will not have the proper leeway on exploring himself and doing the right process in being able to practice such hypothetical theories that he will always be experiencing.
Self-confidence Boosts Morale
Before a person is able to develop full confidence in any undertaking, he must be sure that he is aware of his own capacity to lead and deliver of what is expected from him. A person who lacks the necessary push coming from him will never be able to get a better overview of what he is capable of doing. This is due to the fact that a person who cannot even build on his own foundation and believe in his laurels can never be expected to make tougher decisions ahead for business and career opportunities.

In these cases, judgment will always be passed towards other people for full and proper decision-making which in most cases may not even be the right one. All decisions will have their own set of criticism. A person with a good foundation of self-confidence can properly defend such decisions and will not even hesitate to make it. Such has been proven that even wrong decisions become right ones, mostly depending on how it is defended by the person who actually made the said decision.
Building Careers the Proper Way
Careers are built depending on how a person would visualize himself in a given situation and after a number of years. Most of these needs would be addressed once a person is able to discover his inner self-confidence and make this among his strengths whenever the need to expound on his expertise is needed.

Luck may have its part on career building but mostly, a person who is uncertain about what he is doing and placing himself in a questionable situation will always find himself in the same disposition wherever he may be. A talent and a gift can never be put to good use if a person will forever allow fear to rule over his self-confidence. Risks are part of decision-making hence the need for being sure about ones self through self-confidence is a must.
The Plight of Successful Careers
Most of the people who are in good positions today can be attributed to the fact that they have worked their way towards it using their line of expertise and sound judgment. A lot of these can be attributed to their belief in whatever they can do. Risky for some, but such is always a part of life in both personal and business choices and decisions.

Self-confidence can be built on proving theories and outputs as prim and proper. But if a person would do the right manner of research and studies, there is no doubt that he can be able to push and deliver the necessary results expected from such assignments and efforts. Here alone it can be proven that such built in confidence in whatever a person does, the outcome is just a formal offshoot of what he is capable of doing.

The character of a person usually relies on what he is able to prove, the start of which that uplifts his level of self-confidence that would carry him towards the proper career path that suits him perfectly. Icebreakers such as sudden tests of theories and suggested courses of action will make the difference in a person’s life, especially on how he or she is able to manage him as a whole.

From hereon, the person is able to build on what he has and start moving forward towards greater heights with better opportunities carrying his high degree of self-confidence that originated from gathered experience and knowledge altogether.

Self Esteem And Self Confidence
In a world full of languages and in a language with a wide expanse of vocabulary, you can only imagine multifarious words getting interchanged or mistaken for each other's meaning. The same is true of the words self-esteem and self-confidence.
There have been countless times that these words have been used yet how many really know what each means? What are actually the differences between these two concepts? Read on to find out what beliefs you have which are waiting to be corrected.

One of the most common discrepancies of self-esteem and self-confidence is that the first one is your overall look of yourself, how you give respect to yourself. The second one is your trust or faith in your own abilities. If direction is to be applied on these definitions, it is safe to say that self-esteem is about looking inwards, while self-confidence is how you see outwards. If mental affirmations are involved, self-esteem is saying, "I am good" while self-confidence is saying to yourself, "I can do this."
Deconstructing your esteem and confidence
Then again, it's not as simple as it may seem. Self-esteem has its underlying factors contributing to the sum respect you give yourself. The same can be said about self-confidence.

Some of the elements contributing to whether you have low or high self-esteem are your conscience, guilt, and security. This means that it would be awfully challenging for you to have a good self-esteem if your conscience is nagging you that you are a person with distorted values.

As for self-confidence, a person may not fully depend his level of confidence on the abilities he has. He may find confidence in such external factors as power, money, and social status. A fine example of this is your confidence rooted in the fact that you are more financially challenged than most people you know.
It's all in the mind
Since these concepts are both founded on psychology, the levels of your self-esteem and self-confidence are not entirely dependent on your environment, your experiences and/or your schema or stored knowledge.
You have the power to control these levels, especially if you'll keep in mind the following definitions: self-esteem is also the value you place on yourself while self-confidence is the expectation of success. This just goes to show that no matter how ignominious your past may be, it does not serve as an alibi for you to have a low self-esteem. It is up to you to put value on yourself, on your own worth as a person, irrespective of your past failures. The same is true of your self-confidence since even if you are surrounded by utterly intelligent or successful people, it is up to you whether to translate this situation as a reason to sulk and whine about your incompetence or to treat it as a challenge that you can also reach such heights.


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